Locating bats with the SoundCam Ultra

How can you easily locate and identify bats? With the SoundCam Ultra you can see what you can't hear. Learn more here...

Localize Partial Discharge with the SoundCam Ultra

How can you find partial discharge in the energy network? With SoundCam Ultra, these spots can be visualized in real time. Learn more here...

Room/Building acoustic with the SoundCam

How can you find leaking facades and sound bridges between rooms? Gone are the days of the tedious candlelight search for leaks at windows. With the SoundCam, these areas can be visualized in real time. Find out more here...

Compressed air leak detection with the SoundCam

Here you can learn more about how to locate compressed air leaks with the SoundCam and how to image them in a picture. The SoundCam filters ambient noise so that the device can also be used during running production.

Simplest way to image sound sources with SoundCam

In this video, we'll show you how easy and how simple you can image sound sources with the SoundCam

SoundCam in the automotive industry

Imaging Buzz, Squeak, and Rattle (BSR) noise sources and Noise, Vibration, and Harshness (NVH) sources.

SoundCam - The First Handheld Sound Camera for Everyone

Everything about our SOUNDCAM in one video.

Acoustic camera in Taiwan

Our Acoustic Camera in the Taiwanese news.

Acoustic camera in automotive

Some application examples of our acoustic camera as realtime solution "Smart Vision" for automotive.

Applications for the acoustic camera

Here a some example applications for the acoustic camera with the smart vision software.

Merry Christmas with our acoustic camera

Our choir sings for you a christmas songs and we have recorded it with our acoustic camera.

Noise Inspector - The Easy way to acoustic pictures

This video is a short introduction in the Noise Inspector software. The video demonstrate how easy it is to create acoustic pictures and export them to a report.

Application of a porpeller plane passing by

Acoustic Analysis of a propeller plane passing by.

Application of a moving object

Localizing a moving smartphone with a acoustic camera and the beamforming-method.



Application of a squeaking swing

Acoustic analysis of a squeaking swing.

Application Localizing birds

Here a specific bird is localized with the beamforming-method. As the bird is singing in a specific frequencyrange it can be distinguished from other birds.

Application printer

Acoustic analysis of a printing process of a printer with a acoustic camera and the noise inspector software.

Application train passing by

Acoustic analysis of a train passing by.

Application (building acoustic) Excenterhaus Bremen

Acoustic analysis of the Excenterhaus located Bochum.  The wind passing by the Excenterhaus creates a loud whistle noise which is hearable on the street.

Application motorbike

Result of a acoustic analysis of a not moving motor bike with running engine.

Application acoustic nearfield holography

This video is a demonstration how to do acoustic nearfield holography (SONAH) with our acoustic camera. With this method it is possible to localize sound sources very precisely at 40 Hz.

Application real 3D-Beamforming

Demonstration of real 3D-Beamforming with the Noise Inspector and an acoustic camera. This is not a 2D result plotted on a 3D object. This is real 3D-Beamforming. This is possible because of the array optimized for 3D-Beamforming.